Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death for men and women in this country and the key to longevity is taking very good care of your heart. Your heart is a muscle and like all muscles in your body, it needs to stay in shape to perform at its best. It’s also intimately connected with your neurological system so stress and mood can have a huge impact on your heart as well.
Here are some of the tips I follow with my family to keep ourselves heart healthy and happy:
1. Enjoy the outdoors
There are many activities that you can do in Hawaii that are great for your heart: swimming, surfing, tennis, golf, even gardening, or a stroll along the beach and shelling all contribute to keeping you active and fit. I enjoy hiking and paddle boarding with my family so we schedule activities for the week that will get everyone moving while spending time together. The American Heart Association recommends adults to have at least 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity (like brisk walking or dancing) or at least 30 minutes of exercise per day for five times a week (like running, cycling, or swimming laps). You can do a combination of moderate or vigorous activity to meet the weekly recommendation of activity.
2. Prioritize healthy sleep habits
Sleep is essential to heart health. Your heart rate slows and blood pressure comes down with sleep. It’s not always possible, but I try to aim for 6-7 hours of sleep a night. We also try to limit tv and screen time and instead read books to wind down before bed.
3. Follow a Mediterranean-style diet
The Mediterranean diet emphasizes the consumption of foods high in omega-3s and healthy fats, like fish, olive oil, nuts, grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. It has been linked to decreased risk of heart disease, stroke, and early death, all associated with better heart health. Hawaii is wonderful for its abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables and variety of different food cultures — it makes following a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables possible. We visit farmers markets to buy locally grown vegetables, fruits and fresh eggs and we try to limit processed foods as much as we can.
4. Practice mindfulness, gratitude and laugh!
Reducing stress can go a long way in helping to prevent and possibly lessen conditions that can lead to heart disease. Activities like yoga, meditation and calming exercises all help to reduce stress. Laughing relieves tension and stress and it can help improve your mood and your immune system! I try to practice yoga once a week. When I do, I notice I have a greater overall sense of well-being. I also like to reflect on the wonderful riches of my life: my family, my health and my friends and of course, I always enjoy a good laugh with family and friends!
Interested in learning more about heart health?
If you have questions about interventional cardiology services and general cardiology care, please call (808) 528-0005 or reach out via email. I look forward to serving you.